
Kaddish Monument





On 17 June 2018, the 75th anniversary of the last transport of Jews to Eastern Europe, a monument to the victims of the Shoah was inaugurated in Luxembourg city. It commemorates the 1,300 members of the Jewish community of Luxembourg, victims of the Shoah, who were deported to the ghettos and extermination camps and murdered by the Nazis. The monument was created by the Franco-Israeli sculptor Shelomo Selinger.

In 2009, representatives of the Jewish community and historians, having conducted extensive research on the confiscation of Jewish property, petitioned the government to erect a monument in commemoration of the victims of the Shoah in Luxembourg city. In 2018, the ’Kaddish’ monument, created by the Franco-Israeli sculptor Shelomo Selinger, was inaugurated on Boulevard Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The location marks the site of the first synagogue in the city, which was inaugurated in 1823. In 1894 this synagogue was replaced by a larger one, situated at the corner of Rue Notre Dame and Rue Aldringen.

The Jewish population in Luxembourg on 10 May 1940 was estimated at roughly 4,000. 1,300 were deported from Luxembourg, France, and Belgium, where they had found a temporary refuge. About 1,000 Jews were Luxembourg nationals, the other 3,000 were refugees from Germany, Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and other Eastern European countries. Some 60 of them survived in Luxembourg as partners in a mixed marriage, about ten others survived in hiding with non-Jewish Luxembourg families.

The inscription on the Kaddish Monument reads:

Kaddish: “Pour les Juifs du Luxembourg assassinés par les Nazis 1940-1945. ” (For the Jews of Luxembourg murdered by the Nazis 1940-1945)

There is a memorial trail in Luxembourg city that takes visitors to the most important points of interest related to the Shoah. The route takes about two hours and is 3 km. An electronic copy of the description of the trail can be downloaded here:


Boulevard Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Luxembourg City, L-2450, Luxembourg