
The Nevel: Poles take up positions around Driel

The Netherlands




Because the Polish troops could not cross the Rhine on the first night, they took up positions around Driel. They also guarded war prisoners here. Among the German prisoners of war were two Poles. They had been forced into German military service and therefore fought alongside the German troops.

As the Polish troops could not cross the Rhine immediately on the first night, to support the British troops in Oosterbeek, they withdrew to Driel on the evening of September 21st, 1944. They took up defensive positions in the surroundings of 'De Nevel' farm. The men made foxholes, dug themselves in, and waited for the enemy. A few soldiers had to guard 11 prisoners of war. Two of them turned out to be Poles who had been forced into German military service.


De Polen van Driel