
Bakery Crum

The Netherlands




The bakery of the Crum family used to be on the Paul Krugerstraat 23. It was in the middle of the battle between the British and German troops. The Crum family, together with other civilians, had to find shelter in the cellar of the bakery.

The bakery of the Crum family used to be in the Northern part of het perimeter. The bakery had a big and firm cellar which provided shelter for the Crum family and other civilians from the village. Fourteen people in total found shelter in this cellar, amongst them Ria Crum, who was only eleven months old at the time.

On September 23rd, heavy fighting took place in front of the bakery. At the other side of the Mariaweg, a British soldier, William Hurst of the 156th Battalion, got wounded. His back and buttocks were covered with shrapnel from a German grenade. Somehow, he managed to cross the road and reach the bakeries’ cellar where people took care of him. After a while, two carriers brought him to the emergency hospital at Hotel de Tafelberg. Fighting around the bakery continued and eventually the building caught fire. Everyone had to leave the safety of the cellar. 

After the fighting was over, Hurst was brought to the St. Elisabeths Gasthuis in Arnhem. After the war, William Hurst donated his beret to the Crum family to thank them for their help and support.